Colour Interval Value Publication Food Name Reference
[ 0.00, 0.27 ) 0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - Granny Smith - April 1992 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - Cox's Orange - Dec 1991 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - Jonagold - Dec 1991 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - Elstar - Dec 1991 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - Golden Delicious - Aug 1991 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - James Grieve - Aug 1991 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Whole Apple - Malus pumila Mill. - Granny Smith - April 1991 Hertog, et al (1992) Content of potentially anticarcinogenic .... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40:2379-2383
0.00 mg/100 g FW Apple - Gala Lugasi A., et al (2002) Flavonoid aglycons in foods of plant ori.... Acta Alimentaria 31:63-71
0.00 mg/100 g FW Apple - Supermarkets Mattila, et al (2000) Determination of flavonoids in plant mat.... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48:5834-41. PubMed (11312761)
0.00 mg/100 g FW Apple Justesen, et al (1998) Quantitative analysis of flavonols, flav.... Journal of Chromatography A 799:101-10 PubMed (9550103)
[ 2.16, 2.43 ) 2.25 mg/100 g FW Apple - Jonathan Lugasi A., et al (2002) Flavonoid aglycons in foods of plant ori.... Acta Alimentaria 31:63-71
[ 2.43, 2.71 ) 2.70 mg/100 g FW Apple - Golden Lugasi A., et al (2002) Flavonoid aglycons in foods of plant ori.... Acta Alimentaria 31:63-71