Colour Interval Value Publication Food Name Reference
[ 0.43, 3.05 ) 0.43 mg/100 g FW Common beans - Whole - Phaseolus vulgaris L. - Wild - Jalisco - G-12955 - Pale yellow Espinosa-Alonso L.G., et al (2006) Polyphenols in wild and weedy Mexican co.... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54:4436-4444 PubMed (16756378)
[ 3.05, 5.68 ) 5.67 mg/100 g FW Common beans - Whole - Phaseolus vulgaris L. - Weedy - Durango - G-11025-B - Pale yellow Espinosa-Alonso L.G., et al (2006) Polyphenols in wild and weedy Mexican co.... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54:4436-4444 PubMed (16756378)