Calculated Mean Content Values

Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
mg/100 g FW 0.28 0.00 0.66 0.47
mol/100 g 6.39e-07 0.00 1.49e-06 1.05e-06

Values calculated by aggregating data from 2 different samples from 2 unique publications.

Aglycone Mean Content Values

Aglycone Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
(-)-Epicatechin mg/100 g FW 0.19 0.00 0.43 0.31
mol/100 g 4.20e-07 0.00 9.79e-07 6.92e-07
Gallic acid mg/100 g FW 0.11 0.00 0.25 0.18
mol/100 g 2.46e-07 0.00 5.74e-07 4.06e-07

Original Content Values Used to Produce Means

Arts, I.C.W. ; van de Putte, B.;Hollman, P.C.H. (2000) Catechin Contents of Foods Commonly Consumed in The Netherlands. 1. Fruits, Vegetables, Staple Foods, and Processed Foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48:1746-1751 PubMed (10820089)
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
0.00 mg/100 g FW Strawberry - Fragaria ananassa Duch no 4
Pascual-Teresa de, S.; Santos-Buelga, C.; Rivas-Gonzalo, J.C. (2000) Quantitative analysis of flavan-3-ols in Spanish foodstuffs and beverages. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48:5331-5337 PubMed (11087482)
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
0.66 mg/100 g FW Strawberry no 3