Calculated Mean Content Values

Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
mg/100 ml 17.89 0.36 85.70 27.41
mol/100 ml 3.90e-05 7.85e-07 1.87e-04 5.98e-05

Values calculated by aggregating data from 16 different samples from 5 unique publications.

Aglycone Mean Content Values

Aglycone Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
(-)-Epigallocatechin mg/100 ml 11.96 0.24 57.26 18.32
mol/100 ml 2.61e-05 5.25e-07 1.25e-04 4.00e-05
Gallic acid mg/100 ml 6.64 0.13 31.81 10.17
mol/100 ml 1.45e-05 2.91e-07 6.94e-05 2.22e-05

Original Content Values Used to Produce Means

Lin, J.K.;Lin, C.L.;Liang, Y.C.;Lin-Shiau, S.Y.;Juan, I.M. (1998) Survey of catechins, gallic acid, and methylxanthines in green, oolong, pu-erh and black teas. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46:3635-3642
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
0.54 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Fu-Chien An-Hsi Tieh-Kuan-Yin no 1
0.63 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Fu-Chien (Shen-Chun) An-Hsi Tieh-Kuan-Yin no 1
0.46 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Fu-Chien Yu-San Tieh-Kuan-Yin no 1
0.71 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Fu-Chien Oolong no 1
0.43 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Fu-Chien Wun-Yi Oolong no 1
0.41 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Fu-Chien An-Chi Tieh Kuan-Yin no 1
0.38 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - An-Hui Huang-Shan Mao-Feng no 1
0.50 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Ping-Lin, Taipei, Paochong no 1
0.36 mg/100 ml Chinese oolong and paochong commercial tea - Ping-Lin, Taipei, Oolong no 1
Lee, B.-L.; Ong, C.-N. (2000) Comparative analysis of tea catechins ans theaflavins by high-performance liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A 881:439-447
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
11.82 mg/100 ml Iron Buddha no 1
8.99 mg/100 ml Oolong tea no 1
Kuhr, S.; Engelhardt, U.H. (1991) Determination of flavanols, theogallin. Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Forschung 192:526-529 PubMed (8717094)
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
17.03 mg/100 ml Oolong tea infusion, Taiwan, Leaf no 1
47.09 mg/100 ml Oolong tea infusion, China, Leaf no 1
Lin Y., Juan I., Chen Y., Liang Y., Lin J. (1996) Composition of polyphenols in fresh tea leaves and associations of their oxygen-radical-absorbing capacity with antiproliferative actions in fibroblast cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44:1387-1394
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
63.75 mg/100 ml Paochung tea infusion, TTE 12 no 1
47.50 mg/100 ml Paochung tea infusion, Wun-Yi no 1
Kilmartin P.A., Chyong F.H. (2003) Characterisation of polyphenols in green, oolong, and black teas, and in coffee, using cyclic voltammetry. Food Chemistry 82:501-512
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
85.70 mg/100 ml Oolong tea - Infusion - 100°C no 1