Calculated Mean Content Values

Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
mg/100 ml 0.36 0.33 0.39 0.04
mol/100 ml 5.96e-07 5.53e-07 6.54e-07 7.11e-08

Values calculated by aggregating data from 2 different samples from 1 unique publication.

Aglycone Mean Content Values

Aglycone Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
Eriodictyol mg/100 ml 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.02
mol/100 ml 2.88e-07 2.67e-07 3.16e-07 3.44e-08

Original Content Values Used to Produce Means

Mouly P.P., Arzouyan C.R., Gaydou E.M., Estienne J.M. (1994) Differentiation of citrus juices by factorial discriminant analysis using liquid chromatography of flavanone glycosides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 42:70-79
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
0.33 mg/100 ml Lime juice - Brazil no 8
0.39 mg/100 ml Lime juice - Mexico no 6