Calculated Mean Content Values

Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
mg/100 g FW 2.14 1.70 2.59 0.63
mol/100 g 7.94e-06 6.29e-06 9.58e-06 2.33e-06

Values calculated by aggregating data from 2 different samples from 2 unique publications.

Aglycone Mean Content Values

Aglycone Units Average Min Max Standard Deviation
Genistein mg/100 g FW 2.14 1.70 2.59 0.63
mol/100 g 7.94e-06 6.29e-06 9.58e-06 2.33e-06

Original Content Values Used to Produce Means

Morandi S., D'Agostina A., Ferrario F., Arnoldi A. (2005) Isoflavone content of Italian soy food products and daily intakes of some specific classes of consumers. European Food Research and Technology 221:84-91
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
2.59 mg/100 g FW Yogurt yes 1
Franke A.A., Hankin J.H., Yu M.C., Maskarinec G., Low S.H., Custer L.J. (1999) Isoflavone levels in soy foods consumed by multiethnic populations in Singapore and Hawaii. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47:977-86 PubMed (10552401)
Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin # of Samples Analyzed
1.70 mg/100 g FW Soy yogurt yes 1