Showing contents of natural cocoa powder Metabolism
Urpi-Sarda M., Monagas M., Khan N., Lamuela-Raventos R.M., Santos-Buelga C., Sacanella E., Castell M., Permanyer J., Andres-Lacueva C. (2009) Epicatechin, procyanidins, and phenolic microbial metabolites after cocoa intake in humans and rats. Anal Bioanal Chem 394:1545-56 PubMed (19333587)
Compound | Mean content |
(-)-Epicatechin | 2.2 mg/g |
(+)-Catechin | 0.74 mg/g |
Procyanidin dimer B2 | 1.68 mg/g |
Quercetin 3-O-glucoside | 0.05 µg/g |
Quercetin | 0.03 µg/g |
Polyphenols, total | 21.85 mg/g |