Setchell K.D., Zhao X., Shoaf S.E., Ragland K. (2009) The pharmacokinetics of S-(-)equol administered as SE5-OH tablets to healthy postmenopausal women. J Nutr 139:2037-43 PubMed (19776178)

Plasma analysed after enzymatic deconjugation

Plasma Concentration (ng/mL)
Number Dose Multiple Dose Duration Time (hours) Polyphenol Source
Name as described in publication
0 1 4 8 24 48
1 2 tablets Single Dose 0 500 200 80 10.3 1.5
SE5-OH equol supplement
2 6 tablets Single Dose 0 1000 600 200 50 4.5
SE5-OH equol supplement