Mullen W., Edwards C.A., Crozier A. (2006) Absorption, excretion and metabolite profiling of methyl-, glucuronyl-, glucosyl- and sulpho-conjugates of quercetin in human plasma and urine after ingestion of onions. Br J Nutr 96:107-16 PubMed (16869998)

Plasma and Urine analysed without enzymatic deconjugation

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Plasma Concentration (nmol/L)
Number Dose Multiple Dose Duration Time (hours) Polyphenol Source
Name as described in publication
0 0.5 1 2 3 6
1 270 g Single Dose 0 95 95 84 73 55
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Cumulative Excretion in Urine (nmol)
Number Dose Multiple Dose Duration Time (hours) Polyphenol Source
Name as described in publication
0 4 8 24
1 270 g Single Dose 0 767 1628 1789
fried red onions