Los J., Wilska-Jeszka J., Pawlak M. (2000) Polyphenolic compounds of plums (Prunus domestica). Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 18507:35-38

Abbreviation: LOS 2000

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 5 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
300.00 mg/100 g FW Plum - Dabrowicka no 1
210.00 mg/100 g FW Plum - Lowicka no 1
160.00 mg/100 g FW Plum - Stanley no 1
250.00 mg/100 g FW Plum - Zwykla no 1
240.00 mg/100 g FW Plum - Alycza no 1