Kuti J.O., Konuru H.B. (2004) Antioxidant capacity and phenolic content in leaf extracts of tree spinach (Cnidoscolus spp.). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52:117-21 PubMed (14709023)

Abbreviation: KUTI 2004

Pubmed ID: 14709023

Food Processing

This publication was used to obtain 6 retention factor values.

Retention Factor Food Before Processing Food After Processing Content Before Processing Content After Processing Units
0.50 Spinach raw - C. aconitifolius Miller Spinach cooked - C. aconitifolius Miller - cooked by microwave with water (1000 W), cooled and homogenized 291.0 224.0 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.38 Spinach raw - C. chayamansa McVaugh Spinach cooked - C. chayamansa McVaugh - cooked by microwave with water (1000 W), cooled and homogenized 122.0 73.0 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.32 Spinach raw - C. aconitifolius Miller Spinach cooked - C. aconitifolius Miller - cooked by microwave with water (1000 W), cooled and homogenized 2.0 1.0 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.65 Spinach raw - C. chayamansa McVaugh Spinach cooked - C. chayamansa McVaugh - cooked by microwave with water (1000 W), cooled and homogenized 4.0 4.0 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.54 Spinach raw - C. aconitifolius Miller Spinach cooked - C. aconitifolius Miller - cooked by microwave with water (1000 W), cooled and homogenized 6.0 5.0 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.65 Spinach raw - C. chayamansa McVaugh Spinach cooked - C. chayamansa McVaugh - cooked by microwave with water (1000 W), cooled and homogenized 2.0 2.0 mg/100 g fresh weight