Gorinstein S., Martin-Belloso O., Lojek A., Ciz M., Soliva-Fortuny R., Yong Seo P., Caspi A., Libman I., Trakhtenberg S. (2002) Comparative content of some phytochemicals in Spanish apples, peaches and pears. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 82:1166-1170

Abbreviation: GORINSTEIN 2002

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 3 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
690.00 mg/100 g FW Apple flesh no 1
210.00 mg/100 g FW Pear flesh no 1
240.00 mg/100 g FW Peach flesh no 1