Gil-Izquierdo A., Gil M.I., Tomas-Barberan F.A., Ferreres F. (2003) Influence of industrial processing on orange juice flavanone solubility and transformation to chalcones under gastrointestinal conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51:3024-3028 PubMed (12720386)

Abbreviation: GIL-IZQUIERDO 2003

Pubmed ID: 12720386

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 6 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
15.16 mg/100 ml Orange Juice - Domestic squeezing (soluble + cloud) no 3
41.25 mg/100 ml Orange Juice - Domestic squeezing (soluble + cloud) no 3
6.16 mg/100 ml Orange Juice - Domestic squeezing (soluble + cloud) no 3
11.12 mg/100 ml Orange Juice - Industrial squeezing (soluble + cloud) no 3
43.41 mg/100 ml Orange Juice - Industrial squeezing (soluble + cloud) no 3
5.70 mg/100 ml Orange Juice - Industrial squeezing (soluble + cloud) no 3