Boskov Hansen H., Andreasen M.F., Nielsen M.M., Larsen L.M., Bach Knudsen K.E., Meyer A.S., Christensen L.P., Hansen A. (2002) Changes in dietary fibre, phenolic acids and activity of endogenous enzymes during rye bread-making. European Food Research and Technology 214:33-42

Abbreviation: BOSKOV HANSEN 2002

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 24 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
97.11 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
6.84 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
3.15 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
17.55 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
6.48 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
2.88 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
7.74 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
0.29 mg/100 g FW Rye whole meal no 1
100.60 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
7.90 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
3.50 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
18.80 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
6.50 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
3.00 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
7.90 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
1.20 mg/100 g FW Rye, dough after proofing no 1
47.00 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
3.85 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
1.55 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
8.74 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
3.19 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
1.26 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
3.57 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1
0.75 mg/100 g FW Rye, bread crumb no 1