Maillard M.-N., Soum M.-H., Boivin P., Berset C. (1996) Antioxidant activity of barley and malt: relationship with phenolic content. LWT - Food Science and Technology 29:238-244

Abbreviation: MAILLARD 1996

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 5 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
93.60 mg/100 g FW Barley, whole grain no 1
90.90 mg/100 g FW Barley, whole grain no 1
83.70 mg/100 g FW Barley, whole grain no 1
91.80 mg/100 g FW Barley, whole grain no 1
102.60 mg/100 g FW Barley, whole grain no 1