Madigan D., McMurrough I., Smyth M.R. (1994) Rapid determination of 4-vinyl guaiacol and ferulic acid in beers and worts by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of the Society for Brewing Chemists 52:152-155

Abbreviation: MADIGAN 1994_02

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 8 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
0.05 mg/100 ml Beer, ale yes 1
0.11 mg/100 ml Beer, lager yes 1
0.09 mg/100 ml Beer, dark yes 1
0.25 mg/100 ml Beer, wheat yes 1
4.00e-03 mg/100 ml Beer, ale yes 1
7.00e-03 mg/100 ml Beer, lager yes 1
4.00e-03 mg/100 ml Beer, dark yes 1
0.06 mg/100 ml Beer, wheat yes 1