Zhang, A.; Chan, P.T.; Luk, Y.S.; Ho, W.K.K.; Chen, Z.-Y. (1997) Inhibitory effect of jasmine green tea epicatechin isomers on LDL-oxidation. Journal of Nutritional biochemistry 8:334-340

Abbreviation: ZHANG 1997

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 4 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
271.43 mg/100 ml Jasmine green tea infusion no 1
100.00 mg/100 ml Jasmine green tea infusion no 1
64.29 mg/100 ml Jasmine green tea infusion no 1
64.29 mg/100 ml Jasmine green tea infusion no 1