Picinelli A., Suarez B., Garcia L., Mangas J.J. (2000) Chemical characterization of asturian cider. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48:3997-4002 PubMed (24120027)

Abbreviation: PICINELLI 2000

Pubmed ID: 24120027

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 4 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
130.00 mg/100 ml Asturian Natural Ciders - 1995 yes 18
100.00 mg/100 ml Asturian Natural Ciders - 1996 yes 31
100.00 mg/100 ml Asturian Natural Ciders - 1997 yes 25
80.00 mg/100 ml Asturian Natural Ciders - 1998 yes 20