Khalil M.Y., Moustafa A.A., Naguib N.Y. (2007) Growth, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of some medicinal plants grown under organic farming condition. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 3:451-457

Abbreviation: KHALIL 2007

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 6 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
0.11 mg/100 g FW Fennel - Fresh - Foeniculum vulgare no 1
1.67 mg/100 g FW Fennel - Fresh - Foeniculum vulgare no 1
3.65 mg/100 g FW Fennel - Fresh - Foeniculum vulgare no 1
7.41 mg/100 g FW Fennel - Fresh - Foeniculum vulgare no 1
125.87 mg/100 g FW Fennel - Fresh - Foeniculum vulgare no 1
4.18 mg/100 g FW Fennel - Fresh - Foeniculum vulgare no 1