Garcia A., Brenes M., Romero C., Garcia P., Garrido A. (2002) Study of phenolic compounds in virgin olive oils of the Picual variety. European Food Research and Technology 215:407-412 PubMed (24945796)

Abbreviation: GARCIA 2002

Pubmed ID: 24945796

Food Composition

This publication was used to obtain 40 food polyphenol content values.

Original Content Value Original Food Description Commercial Origin Number of Samples Analyzed
0.60 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
0.86 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
9.12 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
15.03 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
0.09 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
0.52 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
13.39 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
11.79 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
0.23 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
4.15 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, beginning harvest no 105
0.44 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
0.74 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
6.74 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
9.01 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
0.04 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
0.69 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
9.96 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
8.55 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
0.17 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
3.03 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 1999/2000, end harvest no 105
0.28 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
4.69 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
13.07 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
22.19 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
0.18 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
0.37 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
11.05 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
12.31 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
0.22 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
3.79 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, beginning harvest no 105
0.08 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
0.12 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
4.07 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
7.17 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
0.10 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
0.42 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
6.78 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
7.44 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
0.13 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105
2.89 mg/100 g FW Virgin olive oil, 2000/2001, end harvest no 105