Yield factor value: 1.0 (Any food, stored at room temperature, UNSPECIFIED)

Retention factor (RF) = (Content After Processing / Content Before Processing) * Yield factor

Calculated Mean Retention Factor Value

mean RF value Min Max SD n
0.99 0.00 2.79 0.65 20

Original Retention Factor Values used to Produce Mean

Syamaladevi, R.M., Andrews, P.K., Davies, N.M., Walters, T., Sablani, S.S. (2012) Storage effects on anthocyanins, phenolics and antioxidant activity of thermally processed conventional and organic blueberries. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 92:916-924 PubMed (21969304)

Retention Factor Food Before Processing Food After Processing Content Before Processing Content After Processing Units
1.32 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 1 month 55.0 73.0 mg/100 mL
1.10 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 2 months 55.0 60.9 mg/100 mL
0.92 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 3 months 55.0 51.0 mg/100 mL
1.29 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 4 months 55.0 71.4 mg/100 mL
0.81 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 5 months 55.0 44.7 mg/100 mL
2.79 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 1 month 49.7 139.0 mg/100 mL
1.62 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 2 months 49.7 80.9 mg/100 mL
1.09 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 3 months 49.7 54.6 mg/100 mL
1.28 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 4 months 49.7 63.7 mg/100 mL
1.01 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 5 months 49.7 50.5 mg/100 mL
0.00 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 1 month 46.3 0.0 mg/100 mL
1.38 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 2 months 46.3 64.0 mg/100 mL
0.71 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 3 months 46.3 33.1 mg/100 mL
0.89 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 4 months 46.3 41.6 mg/100 mL
0.00 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 5 months 46.3 0.0 mg/100 mL
0.00 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 1 month 51.7 0.0 mg/100 mL
1.61 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 2 months 51.7 83.5 mg/100 mL
1.01 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 3 months 51.7 52.4 mg/100 mL
0.98 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 4 months 51.7 50.7 mg/100 mL
0.00 Highbush blueberry juice Highbush blueberry juice - stored at 23°C, 5 months 51.7 0.0 mg/100 mL