Yield factor value: 1.0 (Any food, stored at room temperature, UNSPECIFIED)

Retention factor (RF) = (Content After Processing / Content Before Processing) * Yield factor

Calculated Mean Retention Factor Value

mean RF value Min Max SD n
0.20 0.16 0.26 0.04 3

Original Retention Factor Values used to Produce Mean

Pirhayati M., Soltanizadeh N., Kadivar M. (2011) Chemical and microstructural evaluation of 'hard-to-cook' phenomenon in legumes (pinto bean and small-type lentil). International Journal of Food Science and Technology 46:1884-1890

Retention Factor Food Before Processing Food After Processing Content Before Processing Content After Processing Units
0.26 Pinto bean Soaking/cooked pinto bean stored at 40°C/73% RH for 2 months 274.87 71.87 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.17 Pinto bean Soaking/cooked pinto bean stored at 40°C/73% RH for 4 months 274.87 47.79 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.16 Pinto bean Soaking/cooked pinto bean stored at 40°C/73% RH for 6 months 274.87 44.83 mg/100 g fresh weight