Yield factor value: 1.0 (Any food, stored refrigerated, UNSPECIFIED)

Retention factor (RF) = (Content After Processing / Content Before Processing) * Yield factor

Calculated Mean Retention Factor Value

mean RF value Min Max SD n
3.27 1.62 5.87 1.57 6

Original Retention Factor Values used to Produce Mean

Aaby K., Wrolstad R.E., Ekeberg D., Skrede G. (2007) Polyphenol composition and antioxidant activity in strawberry purees; impact of achene level and storage. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55:5156-5166 PubMed (17550269)

Retention Factor Food Before Processing Food After Processing Content Before Processing Content After Processing Units
1.62 Strawberry puree made from flesh, at production Strawberry puree made from flesh, 6°C, 8 weeks 0.8 1.3 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.87 Strawberry puree made from flesh, at production Strawberry puree made from flesh, 6°C, 16 weeks 0.8 1.5 mg/100 g fresh weight
2.87 Strawberry puree made from flesh, at production Strawberry puree made from berry homogenate, 6°C, 8 weeks 0.8 2.3 mg/100 g fresh weight
2.50 Strawberry puree made from flesh, at production Strawberry puree made from berry homogenate, 6°C, 16 weeks 0.8 2.0 mg/100 g fresh weight
4.87 Strawberry puree made from flesh, at production Strawberry puree made from achene-enriched fraction, 6°C, 8 weeks 0.8 3.9 mg/100 g fresh weight
5.87 Strawberry puree made from flesh, at production Strawberry puree made from achene-enriched fraction, 6°C, 16 weeks 0.8 4.7 mg/100 g fresh weight