Yield factor value: 1.0 (Any food, stored at room temperature, UNSPECIFIED)

Retention factor (RF) = (Content After Processing / Content Before Processing) * Yield factor

Calculated Mean Retention Factor Value

mean RF value Min Max SD n
1.53 0.75 2.14 0.45 12

Original Retention Factor Values used to Produce Mean

Hurst W.J., Payne M.J., Miller K.B., Stuart D.A. (2009) Stability of Cocoa Antioxidants and Flavan-3-ols over Time. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57:9547-9550 PubMed (20560624)

Retention Factor Food Before Processing Food After Processing Content Before Processing Content After Processing Units
1.11 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 13 days, 15°C 77.24 86.33 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.56 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 13 days, 15°C 52.25 81.79 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.78 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 13 days, 15°C 95.42 170.4 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.88 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 13 days, 15°C 708.86 624.8 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.64 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 26 days, 15°C 77.24 127.23 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.73 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 26 days, 15°C 52.25 90.88 mg/100 g fresh weight
2.07 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 26 days, 15°C 95.42 197.66 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.13 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 26 days, 15°C 708.86 804.28 mg/100 g fresh weight
1.50 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 37 days, 15°C 77.24 115.87 mg/100 g fresh weight
2.04 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 37 days, 15°C 52.25 106.78 mg/100 g fresh weight
2.14 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 37 days, 15°C 95.42 204.48 mg/100 g fresh weight
0.75 Sweetpotato roots Sweet potato Storage 37 days, 15°C 708.86 538.46 mg/100 g fresh weight