Colour Interval Value Publication Food Name Reference
[ 1.60, 4.33 ) 1.60 mg/100 g FW Chive - White part Bilyk, et al (1985) Distribution of quercetin and kaempferol.... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 33:226-228
[ 4.33, 7.05 ) 5.50 mg/100 g FW Chive - Green part Bilyk, et al (1985) Distribution of quercetin and kaempferol.... Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 33:226-228
[ 9.78, 12.51 ) 12.00 mg/100 g FW Fresh herbs - Local grocery store - Chives - Allium schoenoprasum Justesen U., et al (2001) Composition of flavonoids in fresh herbs.... Food Chemistry 73:245-250
12.50 mg/100 g FW Chive - Allium schoenoprasm - Agriopraso - Raw, Fresh Trichopoulou A., et al (2000) Nutritional composition and flavonoid co.... Food Chemistry 70:319-323