Colour Interval Value Publication Food Name Reference
[ 0.09, 0.11 ) 0.09 mg/100 ml Austrian beer Nardini M., et al (2004) Determination of free and bound phenolic.... Food Chemistry 84:137-143 PubMed (25308670)
0.10 mg/100 ml Italian beer Nardini M., et al (2004) Determination of free and bound phenolic.... Food Chemistry 84:137-143 PubMed (25308670)
[ 0.14, 0.16 ) 0.16 mg/100 ml Pilsner Vanbeneden N., et al (2006) Determination of hydroxycinnamic acids a.... Journal of Chromatography A 1136:237-242 PubMed (17109870)
[ 0.16, 0.20 ) 0.19 mg/100 ml German beer Nardini M., et al (2004) Determination of free and bound phenolic.... Food Chemistry 84:137-143 PubMed (25308670)