Seeram N.P., Zhang Y., McKeever R., Henning S.M., Lee R.P., Suchard M.A., Li Z., Chen S., Thames G., Zerlin A., Nguyen M., Wang D., Dreher M., Heber D. (2008) Pomegranate juice and extracts provide similar levels of plasma and urinary ellagitannin metabolites in human subjects. J Med Food 11:390-394 PubMed (18598186)

Abbreviation: SEERAM 2008

Pubmed ID: 18598186


This publication was used in 3 intervention studies.

Source Metabolite Biofluid Organism
Pomegranate, pure juice Ellagic acid plasma human Pharmacokinetics
Pomegranate, liquid polyphenol extract Ellagic acid plasma human Pharmacokinetics
Pomegranate, extract Ellagic acid plasma human Pharmacokinetics