Yield factor value: 0.85 (Cherry, without score, jam, FR / m.Z, edible part, BOGNAR 2002_EUROFIR)

Retention factor (RF) = (Content After Processing / Content Before Processing) * Yield factor

Calculated Mean Retention Factor Value

mean RF value Min Max SD n
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.00 1

Original Retention Factor Values used to Produce Mean

Kim D.-O., Padilla-Zakour O.I. (2004) Jam processing effect on phenolics and antioxidant capacity in anthocyanin-rich fruits: cherry, plum, and raspberry. Journal of Food Science 69:S395-S400

Retention Factor Food Before Processing Food After Processing Content Before Processing Content After Processing Units
0.04 Sour cherry - Fresh fruit - Balaton Sour cherry - Jam - Balaton 109.7 5.2 mg/100 g fresh weight