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mean content min max SD n N number of references
Vegetables - Leaf vegetables - Chicory [Red], raw
Phenolic acids
Hydroxybenzoic acids Gallic acid Graph 14.56 mg/100 g FW 7.99 30.94 8.57 6 6 1
Protocatechuic acid Graph 16.78 mg/100 g FW 11.24 25.71 5.29 6 6 1
Hydroxycinnamic acids 5-Caffeoylquinic acid Graph 168.15 mg/100 g FW 51.33 432.94 148.31 6 6 1
Caffeic acid Graph 1.95 mg/100 g FW 0.00 6.48 3.05 6 6 1
Chicoric acid Graph 33.34 mg/100 g FW 14.22 59.72 15.44 6 6 1
mean content min max SD n N number of references
Vegetables - Leaf vegetables - Chicory [Red], raw
Polyphenols, total
Polyphenols, total Polyphenols, total Graph 129.50 mg/100 g FW 129.50 129.50 0.00 1 4 1